Chris Decubber BV

About Chris Decubber

After obtaining his master of electro-mechanical engineering at the University of Leuven in 1991, Chris got involved in European research and industrial association work. Chris has extensive experience in operational and strategic support in the context of European Research and Innovation Programmes. Chris owns and manages the development of a digital platform that supports the deployment of web portals for information sharing, portfolio management and networking, particularly in collaborative research and innovation environments. You can find out more about this platform here below.

Find out more about Chris on LinkedIn. If you have questions, then please get in touch.

The Platform

In a nutshell:

  • Communicate essential information about (R&I) projects and associated resources and results
  • In the context of projects funded by the EU Framework Research & Innovation Programmes: import the basic information of new projects and public deliverables on regular intervals
  • Enhance content by including pointers to public resources (including presentations, videos or other assets such as open source software components etc...)
  • Point to key characteristics of the portal's content in a structured ‘wiki’ or via shortcuts to searches
  • Support your project dissemination and project clustering activities
  • Include a section of commercial solutions which can be related to use cases, technologies and resources
  • Supported by Elasticsearch

Portals that are deployed on the platform can run fully independently or can run in full synergy with one another, sharing projects, results, taxonomies, etc...

Functionalities are fine-tuned and enhanced on a monthly basis.

Explore the European Research demo portal reflecting information provided by the open data services of CORDIS.


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